Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Egypt (Arab Spring)

The Egyptian Revolution of 2011 was the one of the first of its kind to fully utilize the social media platform as a means to organize. In fact, it had become so powerful that Egypt attempted to eliminate it's internet access to slow down the rebels. Egyptian rebels gathered in major cities and the riots became so serious that President Hosni Mubarak appointed an entirely new cabinet; even appointing a vice president. However on February 10th, Vice President Omar Suleiman announced Mubarak's resignation and that all power was with the Armed Forces of Egypt. The military dissolved the Egyptian Parliament and the Egyptian Constitution. The main goal was to remove the "emergency laws" in place in Egypt for almost 20 years.

In the "emergency laws" the Egyptian people experience heavy censorship, a removal of constitutional rights, and basically forbid all non-governmental political activity. There were no personal freedoms for the people of Egypt.

Mubarak's successor, Mohamed Mursi was the first democratically elected president. However, more protests occurred and Mursi was also removed from power. Demonstrations against the military government still happen in Egypt today, and police brutality is still a problem. 

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