Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Spanish Civil War

Spain, in 1931, had overthrown their monarchy and instituted a weak, provisional government in its place. The government itself was very divided, mainly between monarchists and socialists. This extreme tension between the extreme left and extreme right was very visible and it affected the way the public acted. During elections in 1936, the left-leaning side won majority over the right. As usual, they were furious and in fear that danger and anarchy would reign. They decided to overthrow the government. 

The Nationalists, as they called themselves, announced their intentions to Spain in July of that year and began to attack. However, the rebels inspired by The Nationalists were easily defeated by the Civil Guard present in the area. If there were no Civil Guards, they took over the area with ease. The Nationalists were funded by both Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler who both supported the collapse of the left leaning side of the Spanish Government. The Republicans (who were funded by the Soviet Union), were stationed in a Madrid, Valencia and Barcelona. 

The Republican Army had trouble raising money for their supplies and went to the Soviet Union for support. From this relationship, they acquired jets and tanks superior to German ones, as well as many politically idealistic or bored volunteers to fight. These individuals will feel disillusioned by their experience in the war, not seeing a positive outcome to their struggles. 

In 1937, Guernica was bombed and civilians shot by Nationalists, who would continue this pattern of attack throughout their time fighting until 1939. The Republican Army on the other hand fell prey to corruption, disorganization, and greed causing them to lose Barcelona, Valencia, Catalonia, and Madrid by 1939. The war ended with the defeat of The Republican Army, and the dictatorship of Francisco Franco.

The Spanish Civil War managed to encompass more than its borders could hold. Militant members of society became exceedingly wealthy and succeeded in ruining the economy. Many important artists and religious figures were killed or exiled during the war, causing an absence in creative thought and escape. On top of all that, the disillusionment of soldiers who went to fight for a cause, was shown the reality of their war. 

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