Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Section 377- A Setback to LGBT rights in India

An event in the country of India, has set back LGBT rights tenfold. After a 12 year battle in the Supreme Court, India chose to make same-sex intercourse, a law that existed during the times of British India, illegal. The Delhi High-Court had seen the end to the sodomy law in 2009 was challenged and overturned by the India Supreme Court. The ruling now allows men and women to be arrested and even jailed for pursuing their love. Love that is deemed as "unnatural offenses".

Originally supported as an HIV prevention clause, it was overturned. With this ruling both HIV-activists and LGBT activists are shocked. Even the Indian Health Ministry disagreed with this ruling citing a right to equality and privacy being taken away with the passing of 377.

The Supreme Court tried to brush away human rights accusations by saying that the section does not criminalize any orientation or identity, just any actions deemed an offense.

To find more on the heartbreaking outcry against this ruling by India's LGBT population, you can visit here and here

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