Tuesday, December 17, 2013


     Gleb Garanich / Reuters (taken from BuzzFeed) 

Here is something interesting. Ukraine is currently undergoing some massive riots by the student community in order to protest the policies of President Viktor Yankoyvich. The President has pulled out last minute from financial dealings with the European Union, which has nearly split the country in two. The protesters, mainly based in Kiev are calling for closer ties with the EU, the complete opposite of Yankoyvich's intentions. Ukraine is apparently under the pressure of Russia, and refuses to sign the association agreement with the European Union.

To many of the protestors, being under Russian rule would be the worse fate. Many cite this to be the unfinished work of the Orange Revolution. Citizens have gathered in the city of Kiev in the bitter cold, calling for Yankoyvich's resignation.

You can find picture of these barricades on BuzzFeed here. There are even comparisons to the barricades being similar to those in the French revolution.

However, police intervention is constant, and at times violent. Police brutality is a serious problem, even when the reinforcements are told not to touch the protestors. It seems that the police are using force to remove otherwise peaceful protesters. Other than scuffles with the police, the revolt is growing in numbers comparable to the 2004 Orange Revolution.

It is truly an incredible event to see occurring in our day and age. 

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